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At home

Rocket Launcher

Project partner

Launch your own rocket and watch it fly! All you need are a few household items and a clear space! Have fun making a rocket on your own or with someone else. You could even make a rocket each, and see whose flies the furthest...

Illustrations by ootiboo creative contributor Justine Rykiel

Be safe - launch your rocket in a large safe space

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You will need

A straw
Two pieces of paper
A small circle to draw around
Pens or pencils to decorate
Sticky tape

Step 1

Wrap the first piece of paper tightly around the straw and fix with sticky tape.

Top tip: Don’t stick the paper to the straw!

What you need

Step 2

Fold over one end of the paper and stick down with sticky tape.

Top tip: Make sure there aren’t any gaps.

What you need
sticky tape

Step 3

Draw around your small circle and cut it out. Cut out a quarter of your circle (like cutting a piece of cake!).

What you need

Step 4

Join the edges of your circle together and stick with sticky tape. This is the nose cone of your rocket.

What you need
sticky tape

Step 5

Stick the nose cone to the folded end of your rocket with sticky tape.

What you need
sticky tape

Step 6

Cut out two triangles to make the fins for your rocket. Stick them opposite each other at the bottom of your rocket. Be careful not to stick them to your rocket.

Top tip: Fins make the rocket fly straight.

What you need
sticky tape

Step 7

Add a name and some decoration to your rocket with pens and pencils.

What you need
pens or pencils

Step 8

To launch your rocket - take a deep breath and blow through your straw really hard! Watch it fly!

What you need
Your rocket

Children's University entries

To get your stamp code for your Rocket Launcher entry, all you have to do is take a photo of your creation and submit it here (not via the Children's University). Just let us know you're part of the Children's University in the “How did you hear about the project?” box, and we'll email you your stamp code for taking part once we've processed your entry and added it to the Gallery.

Find out more about the Children's University.

Once you've completed your Rocket Launcher entry, why not check out our other At Home projects? These are all eligible for Children's University stamp codes:

Build a Planet

Picture-This 2024

The Healthy Unicorns

Leaf Animals

Planet Outlines

Ice Cube Painting

Magic Crayon Painting



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Leaf Animals

Create a fun leaf animal from leaves in your garden or local park. A simple small project that you can do at home or school.

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