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Justine Rykiel


Justine Rykiel


I am an animator and illustrator who loves creating characters. I particularly enjoy crafting fun stories that also have an educational or informative impact. I use a wide range of styles and materials (both physical and digital) to bring my stories to life.

I like to use my sense of humour to communicate scientific topics in a fun way. I created an animation about dental health. It stars a stubborn sticky tooth character and the troubles he gets into when he doesn’t brush his teeth. He finds himself sticking to more and more objects and debris until he starts to resemble a monster, scaring his toothy classmates away! How great it is that lively and colourful projects, such as mine, are considered work!

Justine's work can be found on Instagram or on her website, justinerykiel.co.uk

For ootiboo, I illustrated the Ice cube painting, Magic crayon painting, and Rocket launcher small projects.

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