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Our vision
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About us

Our story is in its early stages, but there's already plenty to share, from the projects that formed the foundation of ootiboo to the people bringing it all to life.

The Team


Our beginnings


The aim of ootiboo is to provide all Projects and activities free to schools and families - because we believe creativity should be fully inclusive and available to all.

To achieve this, we are building relationships and sourcing funding from companies and organisations who support ootiboo's focus on promoting mental health, well-being and personal development via creativity.

As well as support from organisations whose values align with our own, our funding is generated from collaborative projects with our partners. Part of the ootiboo organisation, ootiboo works, delivers creative solutions for leadership in companies; a percentage of the consultancy work from this is invested directly into ootiboo play activities. This reinvestment provides a unique benefit for organisations who collaborate with ootiboo works, as in this way they are supporting creativity in the wider community and investing in future generations.

Building a strong network and valued partnerships is at the heart of ootiboo, and we are always on the lookout to collaborate and co-create with organisations and individuals who share our passion to make a change. Please get in touch to have a conversation.

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© ootiboo 2024
Rheinstr. 45, 12161 Berlin, Germany