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Planet Outlines

Project partner

Use an empty toilet roll, some paint and water to print beautiful space-themed designs!

Illustrations by ootiboo creative contributor Amanda Angus

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You will need

An empty toilet roll
Paint in a shallow saucer
Paper or card
Jar of clean water
ootiboo tip

If you use different colours to print your planets, make sure the water is kept clean and refreshed between colours to avoid muddying the colour.

Step 1

Collect everything you need - an empty toilet roll, your favourite colour(s) of paint, a jar of clean water and a paintbrush.

What you need
empty toilet roll holder
clean water in a jar

Step 2

Carefully dip the end of the empty toilet roll holder in the paint.

What you need
empty toilet roll holder

Step 3

Print the planet shape on some paper or card.

What you need
empty toilet roll
card or paper

Step 4

Using a brush and water (no extra paint) pull in the paint from the outline into the middle of the planet shape. The paint should run into the water and create some cool effects!

What you need

Step 5

Why not create a poster of our solar system?

What you need
empty toilet roll
clean water in a jar
Solar System guide

Step 6

Don't forget to share what you have created!

What you need
Your creation

*By submitting your entry you consent to ootiboo featuring the image, including any faces shown, on the ootiboo website and potentially on social media. Consent can be withdrawn at any point by emailing info@ootiboo.com. All images are moderated and reformatted before they are added to the Gallery.

Children's University entries

To get your stamp code for your Planet Outlines entry, all you have to do is take a photo of your creation and submit it here (not via the Children's University). Just let us know you're part of the Children's University in the “How did you hear about the project?” box, and we'll email you your stamp code for taking part once we've processed your entry and added it to the Gallery.

Find out more about the Children's University.

Once you've completed your Planet Outlines entry, why not check out our other At Home projects? These are all eligible for Children's University stamp codes:

Build a Planet

Picture-This 2024

The Healthy Unicorns

Leaf Animals

Rocket Launcher

Ice Cube Painting

Magic Crayon Painting



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