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At home

Leaf Animals

Project partner

Head outside to collect a bundle of leaves with different shapes and colours. Arrange the leaves and add other elements to create a leaf animal, based on either a real animal or a totally made-up one!

Illustrations by ootiboo creative contributor Michelle Tasker

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You will need

A selection of leaves
A4 or A3 paper
Pens and pencils
Black and white paper
Kitchen roll
Heavy books
ootiboo tip

Be safe: wash your hands after collecting leaves

Step 1

Go outside and collect lots of leaves. Choose leaves of different colours, shapes and sizes.

What you need

Step 2

If you want to flatten the leaves, put the leaves between some kitchen roll and stack a heavy book on top. Leave for a few hours or overnight. If you don’t, then jump to Step 3.

What you need

Step 3

Spread the leaves out on a table and look closely at the shapes, sizes and colours. What animals do they make you think of?

What you need

Step 4

Decide on your animal and sketch the shape on the A4 paper. Look at the leaves closely and select leaves which help create the shapes of your animal.

What you need

Step 5

Stick the leaves over your sketch with glue. You can use scissors to trim the leaves and add details.

What you need

Step 6

You can add some eyes using the black and white paper. Cut out a small white circle and a smaller black circle and stick the black circle on top of the white circle with glue. Or you could draw the eyes with felt tips.

What you need

Step 7

Leave to dry, then share what you have created. If you take a picture and send in your design, it may feature on our project page!*

What you need
Mobile phone

Children's University entries

To get your stamp code for your Leaf Animal's entry, all you have to do is take a photo of your creation and submit it here (not via the Children's University). Just let us know you're part of the Children's University in the “How did you hear about the project?” box, and we'll email you your stamp code for taking part once we've processed your entry and added it to the Gallery.

Find out more about the Children's University.

Once you've completed your Leaf Animals entry, why not check out our other At Home projects? These are all eligible for Children's University stamp codes:

Build a Planet

Picture-This 2024

The Healthy Unicorns

Planet Outlines

Rocket Launcher

Ice Cube Painting

Magic Crayon Painting



*By submitting your entry you consent to ootiboo featuring the image, including any faces shown, on the ootiboo website and potentially on social media. Consent can be withdrawn at any point by emailing info@ootiboo.com. All images are moderated and reformatted before they are added to the Gallery..

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